Monday, July 30, 2012

Rudin St. Vincent's Hospital Turner Construction Removal of The Cross More Bad Karma

How would you like to be one of the workers tasked with the job of having to remove the religious cross that has stood atop of the Smith - Raskob building since the early fifties when the building was first constructed.

Word on the street.... I hear..... heart of hearts--- no good will come to anyone that arranged this deal!

No matter who they were, G-d was watching this includes the actual hospital people, the politicians (The King, Quinn and forget not Stringer) and of course the Power Hungry Greed Ridden Rudin!  

The monies connected with the property will be bad luck bucks, In the long run this will be like no other deal they have brokered. Wait and see.

Rosie O'Donnell  a mother with how many kids bought condos in Rudin St. Vincent's complex and there is no Trauma Level 1 Hospital, no Rape Crisis Center or AIDS care.   

Christine Quinn locked out her own district from testifying they demand a Trauma Level 1 Hospital and they wanted protective zoning for a hospital only as Rudin and his payed hired hands all walked in.
Read the above link to learn more about corrupt Christine Quinn who thinks she can use the gay card to get away with everything including worse than betraying her own community.  

By the way how is the prosecution of St. Vincent's Crooks going Cy Vance....oh you don't want to bring more attention to  the Rudin family acquisition of St. Vincent's?